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 X-Force - Fight For Destiny - Forum —› English - gamesets —› the last hope

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verfasst am: 05.12.2007, 20:49 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
this gameset has yust enterd the alpha v 0.01 i will post a download link as fast i can
verfasst am: 05.12.2007, 20:51
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
verfasst am: 05.12.2007, 22:01 · Edited by: BlackBetty
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
I think that the basic idea of your gameset is very interesting. However, because of your spelling and grammar mistakes your intentions are very difficult to understand.

I'll give you a tipp: use a dictionary. Search on google for a english dictionary in your native language. I use a it either and it can help you very well.
But don't worry, it's not a shame because I had to learn that either when I was younger - at this time my english was terrible, too, and the longer you use the language, the better you can write stories and descriptions.

Our scientists found it strange, that the base was still running english teacher would kill you ^^ Maybe: "It's very strange, that the base was still running" or "Our scientists wonder why the base was still running"
Tipp: the verb "to wonder" is like the verb "to be surprised".

Description of the unknown rocket launcher:
You should change the first sentence. For example: "That's the unknown rocket launcher we found in the storage"
"reproduce" is the wrong word in that context. Exchange it with the word "produce". If i was you I would write the whole description again.

You have to be careful with the spelling:
slauchter - slaughter
schout - scout
unfortaly - unfortunately

("Fortuna" is a god of the roman mythology. ^^ She's the god of luck. Just a little tipp how to remember that.)

weard - weird (synonym: strange)
riffel - rifle (e.g. sniper rifle)

Try to avoid those mistakes and correct them.
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 16:10 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
thanks but can you the next time also tell where the spelling was wrong so i can fix it more easely and does somone knows what genauigkeit ps you say you can script do you want to help me a little bit i also have another version ready (yes i know i use small updates) it is alpha version 0.02 thelasthope.pak:;9202932
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 19:51
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
no problem. ^^ The next time i will tell it to you.

"Genauigkeit" means accuracy. On weapons and UFOs you can change this option. The amount for UFOs is in per cent, the amount for weapons means the accuracy per field (hm, I don't really know how I should explain that...)

If you want other translations of different words, click on . That's the dictionary I use. But there could be some problems to find the right German word that fit into the context. If you don't know which word to use, then ask me. I think you should do some things by your own and without the help of others ( but of course that doesn't mean that you mustn't ask us anymore)

oh, and just one more thing: You need a transporter to fly to the missions if there's a UFO shoot down overland. Create a new starting equipment, choose "Raumschiff" (or ship in english) and set the number at "Soldaten" (soldiers) for example at 4. Then you have a ship that can transport 4 soldiers.
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 20:10 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
thanks but i thougt i made one o wel mag-by i forgot to save also can u make a script that let you choose form different human techs and let a mesage apear when the conditions are done cous i cant even dream to make one of these now.
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 20:14 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
i added a transporter the link is;9204203
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 20:15
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
Zitat: BlackBetty
the amount for weapons means the accuracy per field (hm, I don't really know how I should explain that...)

No, in the case of a Soldier's Weapons it is a distance given in a number of ground combat fields.
Up to this distance the accuracy of the soldier determines the to-hit-chance on a more or less linear skale, but beyond that distance the accuracy drops exponentially - resulting in a drastic loss of to-hit-prbability if the target is even a few fields farther away.

And you should make this gameset dual-language: Your native language and english.
You can add any number of languages to the gameset by going to "Datei-Sprachen" (or "File-Language"). Add your native language and make that the default for editing.

That way others who know your language can help you with translating to english, and you will be able to interest those of your friends who can't read english as well.

At a later time someone here has to help you correcting the current language file because you stored the english texts under "deutsch/german" instead of "english", but ignore that for now (it will be easier to fix if every english text is under "deutsch" after you added your native language as a second language - mixing that up would make things more difficult to correct)
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 20:37 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
problem my language is not included in the editor it is dutch maby you can ad it when you can. But i have good news i finely created a script it is a simple welkoming script but it is a start and somebody ideas for the fusion energy tech tree
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 20:43 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
i reconfigured some of the techs and stuf the link is;9204518 no it is not v 0.03 if you already downloaded this from another link form this post download this the other is not playeble
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 20:59 · Edited by: BlackBetty
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner
i forgot to save also can u make a script that let you choose form different human techs and let a mesage apear when the conditions are done

That shouldn't be a problem, because i use a similar script in my gameset. You just have to create the technologies, that you wanted to choose later, and deactivate them - later the script will activate one of those technologies (with science_api_activateProject)

You can set the conditions in the editor, if you click at mission skript, load a script in your gameset and double-click at it. There should appear a window, that contains the script name in the gameset, the script itself and the conditions. Click at "Bedingungen" (=Conditions) so you can use a research assignment or a date as a condition.

But I need the technologies first, without them it's not possible to create a script like this. I need the ID of the project, and that ID is different in every gameset.

I played your gameset either. It's full of mistakes, so i don't have the time to write every single down. I want to help you with your problems, but you can't expect that i correct all of your mistakes. So I just say a few things that you should correct immediately.

Decription of Luger:
You wrote:
this it the only pistol we could find in the stores we can use aganst the aliens we need to get better equipment quik

My suggestion:
This is the only pistol we find in the storages/storage. We can use them to fight against the aliens, but we need to develop better equipment quickly.

(a quick connection BUT: to be connected quickly)

I hope that you see the difference.

luger ammunition:
It's very strange that you write: ammunition for the luger. In another description I read: ammunition from the machine gun. Both of those possibilites are wrong, I'm afraid: It should mean "ammuntion of the luger/machine gun", so far i know.

old warplane:
you wrote:
this is a weak but simple,cheap and quick to build plane and it is the only plane we have at this time

My suggestion:
This is a weak, but simple plane that is very quickly to built. It's the only plane we have available at the moment.

Try to make short and clear sentences. It's better than writing a big phrase that is difficult to understand.

old lab
you wrote:
...a old but useful...
If a word before the "a" is beginnig with a vocal (a, e, i, o ,u), you use the word "an" instead of "a". That means:
... an old but useful...

But that isn't a big a mistake, sometimes i don't remember that either ^^

...the best what we can...
...the best that we can...
You shoul check that description, because you could wrote it in a much better way.

research solar rifle

...know we have...

"Now" and KNOW are two totally different words. "Now" is just like "at the moment" or ""yet", "Know" is a verb that shows that a person is doing something. That means: we have... or the moment we have...

UFOPädie status report
You wrote:
But on the good side there are only some badly armed schout drones to keep an eye on the surviving mankind.

my suggestion:
On the other side there are only some worse armed scout drones to keep an eye on the surviving mankind.

The word "badly" doesn't even exist:
bad - worse - worst
Example: Doing maths is bad. But doing German is much worse. But having a bad day is the worst.

Quite simple, isn't it? You just have to remember it.

I think that's enough. I'm tired of searching and to write every single mistake down in that post. You have still much to do, I think you should start to learn more grammar, so you can avoid automatically specific mistakes in the future. I don't have the time to take a look at your spelling and grammar every time, I have to work on my gameset either.
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 21:07 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
sorry for the errors in my grammar but you must remember i am not very good in languages and i dont expect you to control my gameset but i is nice of you. by the way do you make a gameset how it called
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 21:14
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
It called "Apocalypse" but it's in german. I tried to translate some messages into english, but i think that there are some words that are used in a wrong context... ^^

Zitat: comaner
sorry for the errors in my grammaryou must remember i am not very good in languages

That's not bad at all. But why you don't write the decriptions in your native language and let them translate by a friend? Maybe you find someone who can do that for you. Besides, it's a very good practise for school lessons or tests ^^
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 21:23 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
My friends dont want to do thatand what means zielsuche. And i found an online dictionary so you wont have that many trouble with my grammar. And do you know the program the developers used for making pictures and for the translating use the site babelfish
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 21:31
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner
My friends dont want to do that

Excuse me, if you already left school... but one question: You don't have to learn english at school? In my class there are some pupils who would do that...

Zitat: comaner
what means zielsuche

Do you know what a torpedo is? It's a rocket that search for his target and follow him till the end. Or:
"Zielsuche": Ziel = target, Suche = search;

Zitat: comaner
And i found an online dictionary so you wont have that many trouble with my grammar.

I hope so! ^^
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 21:33
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
I didnt left school it is just that i am one of the best of the class and no they dont want to do it they are not intrested in this so
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 21:39
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
oops, sorry, i didn't know that...
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 21:44 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
I am not angry and it is only for english that i am the one of the best. and it worked i made a script to split the reschearch path the new version 0.03 is now here;9204964
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 21:53
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner
I am not angry and it is only for english that i am the one of the best

I just don't want to be rude... But it's probably a difference between speaking or learning English in school and to write english in a forum ^^. At the beginning I had big problems too... Just as i said ^^
Zitat: comaner
i made a script to split the reschearch path the new

Sounds great. ^^ Let's see how you solve this.

How about different data names of your gameset? e.g. thelasthope_vers_003. So i can differ between the versions.

If you need some grafics, I could give you some. I've got some pictures of guns and ammunition. ^^
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 21:56 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
Wel i am in the need of pictures so yust make them aveblel to download .I will give the next version a different name i wil put 0.04 behind it.

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