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 X-Force - Fight For Destiny - Forum —› English - gamesets —› the last hope

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verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 22:07
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
Zitat: comaner
make them aveblel to download

several of them are.

some in our Mantis-System under Graphics, some in our Wiki under resources:

verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 22:07 · Edited by: BlackBetty
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
The script you have in your gameset is too simple to create a choice of the technologies...

Have a look at my script. It's in german, but that should show you the size of a script.
program TechnologieWahl2;


  Meldung = 'Wir sind nun so weit, um mit einem bestimmten Zweig von Technologien '
          + 'fortzufahren. Allerdings ist es klar, dass wir nicht die Zeit besitzen, '
          + 'alle dieser Technologien zu erforschen. Aus diesem Grunde sollte nur eines '
          + 'dieser Gebiete auch tatsächlich erschlossen werden. Wie gehabt sollten Sie '
          + 'diese Entscheidung tragen, die UFOPädie-Einträge bitte durchlesen und uns '
          + 'Ihre Entscheidung mitteilen, indem sie einfach auf den "Sitzung starten"-Button'
          + ' klicken. Zu diesem Zweck habe ich für Sie extra eie Akte in der UFOPädie '
          + 'von Dr. Francesca Martinez angefertigt. Sie hat alle Technologien mit nützlichen Informationen zusammengefasst.';
//wie wärs wenn die Länder auch was dazu sagen hätten...? Sowas wie eine Abstimmung...
//Wenn dann die Entscheidung gegen die Mehrheit ist, dann sinkt das Vertrauen der Länder...
//das wärs doch!

  Eintritt= 'Sie treten nun in den Konferenzraum der X-Force-Basis.';
  Einf    = 'Herr Kommandant! Das Forscherteam erwartet gebannt schon Ihre Entscheidung.';

//  Vorwort = 'Haben Sie Ihre Entscheidung getroffen? Wenn ja, dann können wir ja fortfahren.';

  Abbruch = //'Wenn Sie noch Zeit dazu brauchen, nur zu. Jedoch sollten Sie nicht all zu lange zögern.';
            'Sie können den Saal leider nicht verlassen, wenn Sie ihre Entscheidung nicht getroffen haben.';

procedure ButtonPress (TSender:String);
  List      : TStringList;
  Index     : Integer;
  Values    : Array of String;


   List  :=TStringList.Create; //creates a list with the technologies
   Values[0]:='Lasertechnologie'; //technology1
   Values[1]:='Plasmatische Materie/Omegastrahlung'; //technology2

   Index := game_api_ChooseItemBox('Technologie auswählen:',List); //that creates a choose box with the list 


  if Index=-1 then
    Index := game_api_ChooseItemBox('Technologie auswählen:',List);
    if Index=-1 then 

     Index := game_api_ChooseItemBox('Technologie auswählen:',List);

  if Index=1 then //if you choose technology 1, then the technology1 project will be activated (technology1 has the Index 1)
    game_api_messageBox('Sie haben sich für Plasmatische Materie entschieden.');

  if Index=2 then //if you choose technology 2, then the technology2 project will be activated
    game_api_messageBox('Sie haben sich für Antimaterie entschieden.');

  if Index=0 then
    game_api_messageBox('Sie haben sich für Lasertechnologie entschieden.');

procedure StartMission;
  tactic_api_AddButton('Button1', 'Sitzung starten' ,@ButtonPress);


  // Hier darf kein weiterer Code folgen
  // Missionsname festlegen
  MissionName := 'TechnologieWahl2';

  // Missionstype festlegen
  //   mzUFOs = alle mit register_ufo registrierten UFOs müssen zerstört werden
  //   mzUser = müssen muss mit Mission_Win oder Mission_loose abgeschlossen werden
  MissionType := mzUser;

Be careful, you can't use that script in your gameset, because there are different IDs and descriptions.

I try to create a similar script for you if you tell me, which technologies you want to have as choice. Of course I will write it in english, that you can understand the script.

I see, that you want the solar energy examination as one of this choice. What else?
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 22:13
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner
Wel i am in the need of pictures so yust make them aveblel to download .I will give the next version a different name i wil put 0.04 behind it.

I'll give you the direct link:;9115520;/fileinfo.html
It contains many different types of guns.

And the files in the Mantis:
- a sniper rifle:

- a machine pistol in two different models:
verfasst am: 06.12.2007, 22:22
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
Zitat: comaner
i made a script to split the reschearch path the new version 0.03 is now here

No, your Script doesn't split research paths.
It activates all three research projects after it was started - if you want the player to have only one of those than you need to add a question to the player which one he chooses, and depending on the answer you should only activate one of the projects, not all.

I already pointed you to a script in the galactic war which does what you want, and Blackbetty posted another version above...
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 16:03 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
sorry i thought i had it wel it was a good try. btw i also want fusion and nuclear energy examination to choose from and were to put the pixtures
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 18:48
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner
sorry i thought i had it wel it was a good try.

Yes, you recognize that you need the ID of the project as the parameter ;-)

Zitat: comaner
btw i also want fusion and nuclear energy examination

Ok, now i can create the script for you ^^.

Zitat: comaner
were to put the pixtures

If you load the icons/UFOPedia pictures in your gameset, they're saved in the file. So you only have to know where you saved them.
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 19:27
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
thanxs now i can use ur pictures. Also how do you make your own pictures.
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 19:35
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
You're welcome ^^.

I use blender 2.44, an open-source 3D program ( You can download it at their home-page.
It takes very much time to model pictures like that (and to learn how that program works...) . But if you're a talented designer and make some pics, our X-Force team would be happy ^^
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 19:41 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
thanx i wil try to make some pictures on second thought were is the manual for this thing
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 19:42
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
If you need any help, ask me ^^
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 19:49 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
how does the basic works I now how to rotate and thats it? cinda strange program?? found a tutorial on the site and it is in englisch that wil help.
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 20:24 · Edited by: BlackBetty
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
sure, it's very difficult to learn. Some tipps:
Click the tabulator, to change into the edit mode - there you can modify the position of the vertices and model your object. Select a face (or 4 vertices) and press "E" to extrude the vertices.

I can advice you to make the tutorial at In German there are some useful tricks how to use the program, maybe there's something in Dutch ^^

Hey, i think blender IS a dutch product! :D

by the way, i've got your script. I tried to explain the single steps of it:

program TechnologyChoice;


//here are the messages that appears on the goescape. I use them
//later in the funcion game_api_messageBox and game_api_chooseItemBox.

introduction = 'Now we''re able choose the technology, we want to research in the '
             + 'future. Click on the button "Choice" to come to a decision.';
             //If you want to, you can change this text. But the point with the button
             //shouldn't be changed.

//please don't change the following sentences.
//they show you which technology you choose at the end. And it's better that this
//information is repeated once.

choice1      = 'You choose solar energy.';
choice2      = 'You choose nuclear energy.';
choice3      = 'You choose fusion energy.';

  technologies : Array of String;    //you need a variable of the technologies
  techList     : TStringList;        //This is the list in which the technologies are showed
  Index        : LongInt;            //every technology needs a index. The index helps
                                     //you to create different tech-paths.

procedure Choice(TSender:String);   //this procedure is called, if you press the button

  setarraylength(technologies,3);    //The index is 3, because you have 3 different
                                     //technologies. The index begins at zero
//now we need to create a list, that allows you to choose a technology:
  techList       :=TStringList.Create;
  technologies[0]:='solar energy';   //the number is the Index of the technology
  technologies[1]:='nuclear energy';
  technologies[2]:='fusion energy';
  techList.Add(technologies[1]);     //now you have to add the technologies to the list.
game_api_ChooseItemBox('Choose your technology:',techList);
//that creates an ItemBox, that use the techList

//Now we have to activate the projects. To do that we need the Index-value.

  if Index=0 then  //if the index of the technology is zero, then you will activate solar energy.
     science_api_activateProject(2522283876);  //solar energy examination

  if Index=1 then
     science_api_activateProject(3191587764);  //nuclear energy examination

  if Index=2 then
     science_api_activateProject(3604839952);   //fusion energy examination
//if you cancel the whole process, you will chose solar energy automatically.


procedure StartMission;                         //This procedure is called at the start of the
game_api_messageBox(introduction);              //That shows the message "introduction"
tactic_api_addButton('Button','Choice',@Choice);//@Choice means: The program call the procedure

  MissionName := 'TechnologyChoice';
  MissionType := mzUser;
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 20:30 · Edited by: comaner
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
thanxs a lot i am going to use it right now Ps do i need to set the conditions? i get an error on the last sentence it says unexpected end of file
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 20:31
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
Load the script into your gameset, I didn't test it yet. If i have time i will do that, but it should work.
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 20:33 · Edited by: BlackBetty
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner
do i need to set the conditions?

yes, you can do that in the gameset-editor. Double-Click at the script in that editor, and there should be the option "Bedingungen"/Condition. There you can set the conditions at "Forschung beendet"/research complete.
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 20:36
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner
i get an error on the last sentence it says unexpected end of file

hm, i forgot an "end." et the end of the file:
  MissionName := 'TechnologyChoice';
  MissionType := mzUser;
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 20:41
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
thanxs for the script and now i know that scripts always need to end on end.
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 20:48
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
never mind ^^
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 20:59
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58

 Beiträge: 165
and you are right there is a mutch better tutorial on wikipedia for blender.
verfasst am: 07.12.2007, 21:02
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
wikipedia has a better structure, so you can search for specific points that you want to know ^^. With wikipedia I learned how to create animations and many other things either.

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