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 X-Force - Fight For Destiny - Forum —› Arbeitsmarkt / Jobmarket —› Wanted: english helper PR and Translations

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verfasst am: 07.09.2007, 20:35
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
Hello everyone,

as told in the news we're looking for a native english speaker to help us with english PR and to coordinate Translations. And here are some additional informations about that:

X-Force is known at some english speaking websites, but there are many more - and we don't know which ones are the more popular ones and on which sites people might be interested in games like X-Force.

To attract more people to our game someone would have to post links on the better english websites and answer some questions about X-Force there.
All such sites should be linked in our wiki to allow us to drop by if the users are asking questions beyond the knowledge of the new helper, and to have someone else continue the work on those sites if neccessary.

For the second part (Coordinating translations) it will not be neccessary to know german, because the coordinator should NOT do any translations by himself/herself.
That is for two reasons - first because we want him/her to proofread the translations (and you can't proofread something you've translated yourself), and second because coordinating will be time consuming work on itself.

This coordination should allow us to reduce the problems that made translation work difficult in the past:

1st) The file size
Some of the language files are quite big, especially the one for the gameset "The Galactic War". They're so big that no one could translate them "on the fly".
The first translator needed days to translate them to a little more than halfway, and then he was suddenly offline for days, while the publication date got closer.
Luckily he send me a partially translated file a few days before he went offline and I was able to find someone else to translate the rest, but some work was doubled and we hadn't any time for proofreading left.

To prevent such a problem ever again, I want the new coordinator to cut the larger text files into smaller parts that could then be send to any translator asking for work, and when someone has real life intervene the work loss wouldn't be as great as if a larger translation file was lost.
And of course he/she would have to assemble the parts again when everything has been translated and proofread it (or send it to people offering their help in proofreading) before sending it to the rest of the team.

2nd) time coordination
Sometimes it happened that someone asked for something to translate when there wasn't any file ready for translation. And when the files were ready and we asked the translator was already busy with another project he began when we couldn't give him something.

To prevent this the coordinator would also be responsible for checking what other files and wiki pages should be translated (including offering to place other german gamesets in the line for translation when there are capacities avaible).
That way translation can also be done when part we're busy with programming or other details.

I think both parts of the work will need a few hours a week, anyone interested can post here or email us, and we can also split some of the work listed here between several people.

If you have any questions about this please post here, we'll be happy to answer them.

Verschoben nach Arbeitsmarkt / Jobmarket
verfasst am: 10.09.2007, 01:57 · Edited by: Admin
Registrierdatum: 03.09.2007, 07:28

 Beiträge: 22
Well, I sort of fit your ideal candidate Dirk (by the way the newsletter links were broken to me in Mozilla Thunderbird, so I'm posting here.)

I can proofread translations... but I honestly can't say I'm too keen on public relations. But, I really do enjoy X-Force's gamesets that I have played, even if I couldn't fully understand them. Dividing up the gameset into translation selections wouldn't be hard at all, and should be a partial solution to the issue you've had in the past with it, and should allow for faster translations.

DirkF: Beitrag verschoben von hier
verfasst am: 19.09.2007, 19:14
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
Up to now there have been two volunteers (one above, one by email), both only for proofreading. I do not want to wait until someone interested in PR reads this, so the two jobs will be divided.
Next weekend I'll mail a few details about what to do about the proofreading to them.

Until them I would like to know who of the translators has time and is interested in continuing the translations.
verfasst am: 30.09.2007, 12:41
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
If you're still interested please send me an email.
verfasst am: 18.10.2007, 15:36
Registrierdatum: 03.10.2006, 10:10

 Beiträge: 60
I'm native german but I speak fluent english so I could help with the translations :)
verfasst am: 19.10.2007, 10:53 · Edited by: Hieronymus
Registrierdatum: 29.07.2005, 09:20

 Beiträge: 147
For anyone who is going to do the job:

StrategyCore is a platform for UFO-related (commercial) games but has also a project-part ( where 'X-COM inspired projects' are linked.
We are still missing! :-)
verfasst am: 19.10.2007, 19:07
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
No, we aren't ;-)

The Page you linked is for the projekts that are hosted on StrategyCore - if you had checked the complete listing in the forum you might have found us there...

(And they also had several news about X-Force in the past, and the 0.910Final on their file server)
verfasst am: 28.10.2021, 09:44
Registrierdatum: 28.10.2021, 08:53

 Beiträge: 304
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