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verfasst am: 30.11.2007, 22:10
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58
Beiträge: 165
how to make a new gameset |
verfasst am: 30.11.2007, 22:11
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58
Beiträge: 165
becouse i have a good idea and i want to ma ke a game set out of it (sorry for the 2 messages i never posted on the forums before) |
verfasst am: 30.11.2007, 22:47 · Edited by: sujin
Spielsatz Alliances
Registrierdatum: 14.07.2004, 14:47
Beiträge: 1185
Just start C:/Program Files/[Your X-Force-folder]/edit.exe
And mybe you should import the dummy-gameset (I don't know if it's translated. If it's translated, use it to get an overview abou all necessary objects :) |
verfasst am: 30.11.2007, 22:50 · Edited by: DirkF
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beiträge: 5596
Basically you start the editor (edit.exe), a program that has been included in the program directory but not on the start-program-groups.
Look for the directory where your X-Force game is installed and there you should find the editor.
When you have started the editor you have the choice between starting a new gameset or opening an existing one. When starting a new gameset you can import data from an existing gameset (as long as the author of that gameset didn't block that option - some do that to prevent their work from being used in different gamesets).
I advice you to start with the dummy gameset (you might need to download it with the config.exe in the same directory), this has already much more grafics included for new gamesets, and it also includes the basic items neccessary in a gameset (so that you can test after first input, if you start an empty gameset you'll need to add several items before the gameset can be played).
We started a manual for gameset creation a while ago, but unfortunately most of it is still in german, the english pages are still empty:
The editor is mostly translated, but there are a few names that can't be translated at the moment, so some labels are still german.
If you have special questions after playing around with those tools, post here. |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 12:29
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58
Beiträge: 165
in the galaktic krieg your rechearch path split on a moment ow do you do that? |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 12:52
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beiträge: 5596
That's done with scripting.
Basically the primary research projects for the different technology paths are all deactivated in the editor, and there's a script that asks you which one to activate by another script-command.
However if you have no programming experience (or scripting from other games) I do not recommend to start your gameset with such a scripting level.
Unfortunately the translation of our scripting tutorial into english is almost non-existent, and to explain everything written there is difficult.
If you can't write Delphi or Pascalscript Programs (those are the basic foundations of X-Script) then you'll have to wait until we find someone to continue translating the wiki pages.
(if it's just a few specific scripts like a research branching or so we might be able to write them for you, but most of the gameset would need to work without scripts or rely on scripts you wrote yourself) |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 12:54
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16
Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner in the galaktic krieg your rechearch path split on a moment ow do you do that?
With X-Skript you can create a program you can do special events with. But in this case it's very difficult because there are many scripts working together (open the gameset-editor, open the file GalWar and take a look at "scripts"...). So you have to know much about programming X-Script to do that. I don't know whether the tutorial is already translated, but have a look at the wiki and choose X-Script Tutorial. |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:06
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58
Beiträge: 165
so i wont do that also what means haufigkeit. |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:10 · Edited by: BlackBetty
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16
Beiträge: 658
'Häufigkeit' is a amount that shows you how often a UFO appears on the Geo-Scape.
Häufigkeit = Frequency. ^^
Hope that helps... |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:14
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58
Beiträge: 165
and another question how do you make ufo's apear when there are a nuber of them shot down? |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:34
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58
Beiträge: 165
haufigkeit doesnt stand by the ufos but by the alien weapons and equipement |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:35
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16
Beiträge: 658
There are two ways to let UFOs appear in the Geo-Scape:
1. You create a new UFO in the gameset-editor and put the "Häufigkeit"/Frequency amount at 100 (100%). Then the UFOs appears again and again in a specifical time.
2. There are simple X-Scripts that create UFOs.
But you cannot create UFOs by yourself. |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:40
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16
Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner haufigkeit doesnt stand by the ufos but by the alien weapons and equipement
But with weapons and equipment it's the same like UFOs: if a UFO is shoot, there appears a mission on the Geo-Scape. The Aliens in this mission have weapons either, so you can influence the frequency of their equipment. |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:40
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beiträge: 5596
Zitat: comaner so i wont do that also what means haufigkeit.
Zitat: BlackBetty Häufigkeit = Frequency. ^^
No, that explanation isn't entirely correct.
"Häufigkeit" only decides which UFO will appear, but not how much UFOs attack.
Whenever another random UFO is created the "Häufigkeit" will be checked to decide which one to created - the higher the number, the more often this UFO will be chosen as the next random UFO.
But changing that number does not change the total number of UFOs appearing in a day (or a week).
Zitat: comaner how do you make ufo's apear when there are a nuber of them shot down?
I do not understand the question.
A few general informations:
Witout scripts random UFO creation avarages to one per 10 hours. But it's an extremely random check, there could be two UFOs appearing within a minute of each other or there could be 40 hours without a single new UFO (althoug both extremes have a low probability).
However a new UFO might stay outside radar range of your bases - that's a major problem and any player should try to get a better radar coverage of earth by getting more bases and better radar stations.
And that could make it look like there are no ufos when they stay on the other side of earth.
Also there was a bug in the 0.910Final that prevented the creation of non-scripted UFOs - you need to update to 0.910a if you haven't done so (start the config.exe to see your full version number, it has to read V0.910 [0.910a], or 910b in a few days with the next update).
If config.exe contains a version "Alpha" or "Beta" you got the wrong install file and need to reinstall the eintire game (it's an old story...)
In our wiki pages there are also a few prefabricated scripts which can be copied into a gameset if you want some control about the number of UFOs appearing.
Those scripts have been written to be used by people who can't script on their own and if you're interested we can tell you how to import them. |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:43
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beiträge: 5596
Zitat: comaner haufigkeit doesnt stand by the ufos but by the alien weapons and equipement
But it works the same as I explained above for deciding which UFO to create - with equipment it is used to decide which weapon an alien gets. |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:49 · Edited by: BlackBetty
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16
Beiträge: 658
Zitat: DirkF "Häufigkeit" only decides which UFO will appear, but not how much UFOs attack.
You're right, maybe I couldn't say it in a different way... but the word "frequency" is correct? ;-)
Zitat: DirkF I do not understand the question.
I think, he wants to know whether there's a limited number of UFOs that appears on the Geo-Scape. |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:53
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beiträge: 5596
Zitat: BlackBetty I think, he wants to know whether there's a limited number of UFOs.
no, there isn't.
while testing the temporary and primitive current "endgame-Scripts" of the galactic war, I got to several dozen UFOs at the same time.
And the number of ground combat sites (which is completely independend of the number of UFOs) got beyond 50 in another special test without problems.
It might slow down the game a bit if you got an older PC... |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 14:56
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58
Beiträge: 165
how do you make bases in the gameset. |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 15:01
Registrierdatum: 30.11.2007, 21:58
Beiträge: 165
no i mean like in galactic war the aliens sends there warships later if you destroy there schouts |
verfasst am: 01.12.2007, 15:01 · Edited by: BlackBetty
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16
Beiträge: 658
Zitat: comaner how do you make bases in the gameset.
That only works if you start a new game - there you can choose the position of you base. You can build new a base there either.
The other way is, that you set the position of the base with a script.
Sending out warships is also script-controlled. |
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