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verfasst am: 21.10.2009, 05:26
Registrierdatum: 04.10.2009, 06:46
Beiträge: 3
Is there an ending to the X-Force gameset? If so, what does the player have to do in order to complete the gameset? I have just finished researching the XF AMV Missile Battery, and the Unbenannt alien spaceship has just begun appearing. I don't know how to defeat the Unbenannt alien spaceships because they are too fast for my Intrepid Destroyers, their weapon does so much damage, and their shield provides 100% protection from damage! I don't know what to do next in order to progress further in the X-Force gameset, or in order to complete the X-Force gameset.
Could anybody please translate the following paragraph into English for me? It is the UFOpedia text description for the Unbenannt alien spaceship in the English version of the X-Force gameset. It seems to be important.
Dieser kleine Jager stellt alles in den Schatten, was uns die Aliens bisher auf den Hals gehetzt haben. Es handelt sich hier um ein winziges Raumschiff mit ungeheurer Geschwindigkeit und einer Feuerkraft, die selbst ein Mutterschiff blass aussehen lasst. Um trotz dieser schweren Geschutze solch hohe Geschwindigkeiten erreichen zu konnen, mussten allerdings Kompromise eingegangen werden. Die Konstruktion ist auBert gebrechlich, schon ein leichter Treffer sollte ausreichen, um es zu zerstoren. Offensichtlich handelt es sich noch um einen experimentellen Prolotyp, und wir konnen nur hoffen, dass es den Aliens nicht so schnell gelingt, ihn fertigzustellen.
Natter, I found a couple more bugs with your X-Force gameset. The Z31 Tombari Toxin (ammunition) has a power and a penetrating power that are currently WAY too low to make the ammunition of any use.
Also, it seems that laser weapons are not automatically having their ammunition returned to maximum after each ground combat mission has finished (or before each ground combat mission starts). During ground combat missions, my soldiers sometimes run out of ammunition for their XF-LW 2AM Laser Rifles after they have only fired a few shots with the weapon (or haven't fired any shots with the weapon!) during that particular ground combat mission. However, when I place the laser weapon on the ground, and then have the soldier pick the weapon back up again, the laser weapon is now able to fire again because it now has ammunition again. |
verfasst am: 21.10.2009, 07:31
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar
Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51
Beiträge: 5596
Zitat: gazra The Z31 Tombari Toxin (ammunition) has a power and a penetrating power that are currently WAY too low to make the ammunition of any use.
That is because in the latest version this has become a special ammunition doing damage by script instead of by usual hit. The skript checks wether the alien hit is a Tombari and only applies the "poison" as damage if that is the case - the ammunition doesn't work on other aliens.
The problems with laser weapon/ammunition are known (and have been known for a long time).
The old default should have an ending, but some people report that the script hasn't been triggered for them. I don't know what the status on that bug is, you have to wait for Natters answer on that. |
verfasst am: 21.10.2009, 14:34 · Edited by: Natter
Programmierer, allgemeines
Registrierdatum: 06.06.2004, 17:19
Beiträge: 3186
The Showdown should start July 2042 (in earlier versions much later).
Zitat: gazra The Z31 Tombari Toxin (ammunition) has a power and a penetrating power that are currently WAY too low to make the ammunition of any use.
The Toxin instantly kills all tombaries. I checked the translation of the describtion - and it is the old one ^^ In german you would have known this.
If you find more missing translations, please tell me.
@translators: Bitte obigen Text mal ordentlich übersetzen, und auch gleich die 2 folgenden:
Es ist uns gelungen, ein sehr Wirkungsvolles Nervengift für Tombarieinheiten zu entwickeln, Mit dieser Munition sollte eigentlich ein einziger Treffer reichen, um alle uns bekannten Tombarieinheiten sofort zu töten.
Gegen andere Einheiten ist diese Munition allerdings ziemlich wirkungslos.
Durch die aus den Autopsien verschiedener Tombari-Einheiten gewonnenen Daten sollte es uns nun möglich sein, ein Nervengas zu entwickeln, das speziell auf den Organismus der Tombaris zugeschnitten ist. Dieses könnte dann als Munition für das Z31 Gasgewehr eingesetzt werden. |
verfasst am: 21.10.2009, 14:43
Programmierer, allgemeines
Registrierdatum: 06.06.2004, 17:19
Beiträge: 3186
Zitat: gazra Also, it seems that laser weapons are not automatically having their ammunition returned to maximum after each ground combat mission has finished (or before each ground combat mission starts).
This bug is already fixed for v0.915b05. |
verfasst am: 28.10.2021, 05:31
Registrierdatum: 28.10.2021, 04:10
Beiträge: 329
All of the information I've gleaned from it has been quite useful, and I'd want to commend you on your abilities. waxing phoenix |
verfasst am: 08.11.2021, 12:15
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verfasst am: 29.11.2021, 05:08
Registrierdatum: 27.11.2021, 09:58
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I love this game it's very interesting and full of attraction, also if you can go here atari breakout a great game |
verfasst am: 27.01.2022, 13:50
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verfasst am: 07.02.2022, 10:51
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This website was a lot of fun for me. You are providing a fantastic resource, and you are giving it away for free. atari breakout |
verfasst am: 30.06.2022, 17:29
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