While playing the English version of X Force I found a few translations which sound rather clumsy to me. I thought to post this thread on the English forum so that non German speakers will be notified about this as well.
I'd like to make a few suggestions for translations different from the ones used in the XForce game. (note: game itself, not a specific game set)
First off, the lab screen.
"it does not become investigated" maybe should be replaced with "research stopped" or "hasn't been researched yet".
"immediately before rupture". (for all German people here, if I translate this back to German it means: "sofort vor Bruch", which doesn't make sense at all) I suggest to use "research right before completion" or "research almost complete" there.
In the UFOpeadia "Source material" could be "basic commodities" (which means "Grundstoffe" according to
www.dict.org, which is the closest translation for "Ausgangsstoffe" as used in the German x force version). Also, the term "resources" which means "Betriebsmittel" is a better suiting word. The latter term actually origins in economics and refers to the exact items of this category and could be used.
Secondly, the base building screen.
"Establish a new base". I agree on the statement that "establish" equals the German word "errichten", but not in this context I'm afraid. Establish a system or government, but "establishing a base" is just wrong. The word doesn't match the context, so I suggest the usage of "plant new base" or "erect a new base" (whereas "bulding a new base" is correct either) Further information for translators: see
http://www.dict.cc/?s=establish. You'll see that the word field "establish" doesn't cover the sense "build" or "construct" if you do some reasearch in this dictionary.
I'm not sure if the American English term "level" matches the context. Maybe using "floor" would be appropriate there. However, this can be considered as little flaw, nothing serious.
Also, the term combination tunneling could be replaced by "tunnel link" or "tunnel connection" (but that depends on if X Force uses British English or American English)