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 X-Force - Fight For Destiny - Forum —› Translations —› English Translation Progress

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verfasst am: 11.02.2007, 21:48 · Edited by: Kahlos
Registrierdatum: 03.02.2007, 23:31

 Beiträge: 6
This is to say what each person is doing on the translation so that we don't translate the same things. Post what your working on, on here.
I'm translating the following :

These forum updates 1 2 3 4 5 into a single topic on the non-german forum called "0.910 Changes And Features"
Tutorial For Gameset Creation

Should help co-ordinate our translating progress a bit.
verfasst am: 11.02.2007, 22:18 · Edited by: DaFranker
Registrierdatum: 04.02.2007, 22:45

 Beiträge: 21
Goodie, so you'll be taking care of GalWar. Heh, I don't really have any links to post up, but here's what I'm working on:

--New hints file (\\language\tips_english_new.dat) (Complete)
--Gameset Editor language file (\\language\edit\english.dat)
--Main game english language file (\\language\english.dat)
--X-Force main gameset (\\data\gamesets\default.pak)

I think that's about it right now. It might sound like I'm trying to do a lot at the same time, but basically, I'm translating the gameset, and I spot errors or non-translated stuff in the editor so I go and do that, then I test the gameset and I spot errors in the game, so I go fix 'em.
verfasst am: 12.02.2007, 02:31
Registrierdatum: 04.02.2007, 22:45

 Beiträge: 21
Okay, well, just thought I should let you guys know...

I keep most of my most recent files from various projects I work on on my FileFront account. It's pretty private -- the files won't show up on a search. Among other things, I keep the files I'm currently translating.

So, if you want to take a look at how I'm doing, you can go check those files. I won't be updating them every day, but I guess it might give an idea.

Here's the linky: CLICK ME!
verfasst am: 12.02.2007, 10:01
Registrierdatum: 03.02.2007, 23:31

 Beiträge: 6
Cool, thats a nice idea. I never knew you could use filefront like that :D
verfasst am: 12.02.2007, 10:51
Registrierdatum: 15.12.2006, 16:25

 Beiträge: 30
Ok, I'm working on the Wikipedia for galwar at the moment.

Did someone allready translate the UFOPedia of Galwar, i could use the history overview.
verfasst am: 12.02.2007, 17:23 · Edited by: LennStar
Spielsatz Darkage

Registrierdatum: 01.03.2005, 13:47

 Beiträge: 1846
little hint: The forum is not good at work-coordination (you cannot edit your first post later for example)

You should consider to use a new wiki-page under to-do or use something like a TiddlyWiki to coordinate - in the last, you could tag your names to every work part you do- That means, you get every site you are tagged to from your name, if I'm correct. (I don't need this feature, so perhaps it works a bit in another way)
verfasst am: 12.02.2007, 17:49
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
I only translated the summary page.

LennStar is correct about coordinating - it would be best if you use this page to tell everyone what you're working on: (german) or (english)
verfasst am: 12.02.2007, 21:05
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
I just detected two very old spambot entries in the english wiki. Those probably escaped notice because it was rarely used in the past (I hope that will change now).
It shouldn't be possible for spambots to do so anymore, but if you detect something like that use the history-back function to remove the spam...

Verschoben nach Translations
verfasst am: 12.02.2007, 21:13
Registrierdatum: 15.12.2006, 16:25

 Beiträge: 30
I would prefere the english page you posted abouve, so that the german page could be used for something else.
verfasst am: 31.07.2007, 06:07
Registrierdatum: 31.07.2007, 05:45

 Beiträge: 4
Hello. I don't know German, but I can do some spellcheck or grammar check. This is my first post and I am not sure where to put it so here it is.

I am not on my PC right now so I don't have much to work with until I got to my PC, but I remember something like: "(object) divorce into (#) Alphatron." It would be better if it changes to "(object) recycle into (#) Alphatron." Divorce is not quite the word to use on material breakdown.

I will recheck some more of the wordings later.

Hope this helps.
verfasst am: 31.07.2007, 09:21
Registrierdatum: 27.06.2007, 12:16

 Beiträge: 658
You're right. That
Zitat: Gu35s
"(object) recycle into (#) Alphatron."

sounds much better than
Zitat: Gu35s
"(object) divorce into (#) Alphatron."

I've never heard about that phrase o.O

My suggestion:
If you want to correct the grammar you can discuss them in (or at? ;))this community. If that's the case, some other translaters can see those suggestions too and can correct them later. Or just keep in touch with Dirk. ;)
verfasst am: 31.07.2007, 12:27
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
Zitat: Gu35s
Hello. I don't know German, but I can do some spellcheck or grammar check. This is my first post and I am not sure where to put it so here it is

The best way would be if you correct the language file itself and simply send them to us by email - I don't have time to transfer corrections from the forum to the files myself.

The language files are in the language directory of XForce and can be edited by any text editor. At the moment Jim is writing a wiki page how-to-translate, but even without specific instructions it shouldn't be difficult to correct the language files. Just pay attention to the %s or similiar placeholders - you need to keep them to tell the program where to insert the names, numbers and objects of the message.

You might also follow DaFrankers link earlier in this discussion - he made some corrections but never finished the entire file, and unfortunately some internal strings have been added or changed in the month since that version.
But it might give you some help when working on the new versions of the language files.
verfasst am: 01.08.2007, 09:01 · Edited by: Gu35s
Registrierdatum: 31.07.2007, 05:45

 Beiträge: 4
I have edit some of the things in the main english.dat file, but I am having trouble uploading it. I'll try again later.
verfasst am: 02.08.2007, 06:51 · Edited by: Gu35s
Registrierdatum: 31.07.2007, 05:45

 Beiträge: 4
Hullo. Here's my attempt to edit the english.dat file. Hope it works.

verfasst am: 06.08.2007, 09:00
Registrierdatum: 31.07.2007, 05:45

 Beiträge: 4
Hi. Have anyone tested the translation? Please write comments or typos, or any kind of weird wordings. Thanks.
verfasst am: 06.08.2007, 20:33
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
No I haven't checked. We are a small team and a small community, and as a result things go a little bit slower - unfortunately...

But we can always use help, and there are several people who have worked on the translation in the past - one of them will probably check the file when he has time...
verfasst am: 22.08.2007, 00:47
Registrierdatum: 04.02.2007, 22:45

 Beiträge: 21
Indeed. If I can get the chance, I'll take a look at it. I've done some more translation work around here, but since the "english translation team" kind of dissolved at some point, nobody knows who has done what anymore, and there's no "most up-to-date" file anymore. My current file is using the lastest publicly released version, but it's still far from complete.

As for comparing between multiple files, I'm using WinMerge. I used it to convert my translation to the newer german strings file, and it's been a real help. It's free, too.

In case anyone would wonder, no, I haven't made any progress coding-wise (I sent an email a while ago saying I'd be taking a shot at the game's source code). I'm not familiar with this language, and I got lost when I couldn't understand the variable names anymore :P

Anyways, I'll try and pack together all the separate translations we've got so far and make an attempt at streamlining operations concerning the english version of the game. Don't wish me luck; wish me time. I'll need quite a bit.
verfasst am: 23.08.2007, 20:52
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
Zitat: DaFranker
but since the "english translation team" kind of dissolved at some point,

The main problem was that several of the translators got problems with their time, and none of them was able to post their latest work or even a message about that in time for others to pick up. I was lucky to get a partially translated file for the galwar that could be completed by another translator, but there wasn't time to proofread the translation.

I'm thinking about how to prevent such a "dissolving" in the future - as soon as I've a good konzept we can try again to start a translation team...
verfasst am: 03.09.2007, 07:42
Registrierdatum: 03.09.2007, 07:28

 Beiträge: 22
I'm new to the forums, but I've been watching this project for quite awhile. I'd like to help, I can't really read German, but I can translate by online translators... they don't always get it right, but if you run it threw multiple translators, your chances of it being correct increase. Anyhow, just wanted to make an offer.

As for the issue with translation teams, if they cannot take 5 minutes to post about translation progress, I would question if they have had made any progress translating, can't imagine someone making progress but not sharing the results... barring real life issues that take them away from the PC.
verfasst am: 03.09.2007, 12:19 · Edited by: DirkF
Admin, Spielsatz GalWar

Registrierdatum: 31.08.2005, 21:51

 Beiträge: 5596
it isn't that simple - the translators did send news about their progress (they did so without forum), but when real life intruded there was no "fail-safe", and the team is so small that we have problems compensating on a short notice.
Zitat: Makkenhoff
if they cannot take 5 minutes to post about translation progress, <cut>, can't imagine someone making progress but not sharing the results...

I can imagine several reasons ;-)
"I'll post when it's finished, not before" - or when you are dependend on a low speed connection (which a lot of people still are), you simply don't go online to post every tiny step you've made...
Zitat: Makkenhoff
I'd like to help, I can't really read German, <cut>. Anyhow, just wanted to make an offer.

I have some ideas, including one idea where the helper doesn't need german language skills - but I haven't found time to work out the details. Try looking around here next week for that...

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